My oldest child, Robin, turns 10 in three days. We have been traveling since school let out a few weeks ago and so I haven't really had the chance to put together a party like I wanted to. We are gifting him with an activity and a trip, but I still wanted to make some new decorations for him. The result of reading too many party blogs. Yesterday, after asking him for the millionth time about some minor detail, I realized he didn't care. I made him a birthday banner and crown years ago, and he has enjoyed both immensely ever since.
Why was I running myself ragged trying to make things just so when he is happy with what he has? Today, I am letting go. I am deleting projects from my delicious and email that I know I will never complete. Those include:
A super fancy mobile for the crib Lark barely sleeps in.
A handmade duvet for Wren who is content with the one that came from Ikea.
A beach blanket. I saw some cute ones at Target that will fit the bill.
A vegetable garden. Not going to happen this year. I finally have to admit, finding creepy crawly critters like snakes and salamanders had me a bit shaken, and so I'm leaving that alone for now.